Eternity and A Day

Oğuzhan Muzıkacı

2022 Fall
ARCH470 Digital Design Studio

When mankind could not even dream of traveling between galaxies, they learned that there was something that could take them to the edge of the known universe. When Apple the Fourth entered the atmosphere, the weight they had felt on them all their lives began to slowly fade. They did not realize that this is the moment when the rest of their lives will be turned upside down. They knew the end had come when they were swept off their feet. But what they didn’t know was that this was a beginning, not an end.

Over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, from the moment this whole journey began, humanity had changed hundreds of planets, each with different characteristics. Apple the Fourth had upended all known rules in the universe. He brought chaos wherever he went and left unexplained questions behind. He feels old and tired. As he approached Earth for the last time, he had only one question in mind. “How long will tomorrow last?”


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