Fragments of Time

Nisa Gökgöz

2024 Fall
ARCH470 | Digital Design Studio I

In an instance of thought, perhaps, what we perceive is the representation of the object in many ways of seeing, and in that way each one of us construct its own reality. Undeniably, then, in the essence of mind, there is a tendency to see the purest characteristics of the objects subjected to reductionism of constructing the representations of the entities. This individualistic process substitutes the perspective of the being. It is an intellectual collage peculiar to each individual in order to perceive the reality. Similar to cubist painting, we perceive relations and dominantly identifying features of entities. There is also something called ‘madness’, that is defined as a state of wild, chaotic activity of the mind, and that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality; or should we say they showcased a highly subjective activity in constructing their own reality through their perception? Beneath its definitions, it is perhaps not an illness but an ability to control the perception of the object, like lucid dreaming. In that way, the mind constructs new realities out of what it perceives or wants to perceive. This surreal state of mind would open the door to escape from the ordinary and it all happens in the fragments of time, where each fragment reveals the complex interplay between entities. Each archetype has its own effect on the field of vision. The ability of each entity to bend reality confronts the gaze and constructs instantaneous exercises of space-time constructing altering realities. The relationship between each archetype, their role in the perception of the space and the deceptive nature of the perceptive has been abstracted into the project.

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